Today, the popularity of CBD Oil is skyrocketing. Many people recognize that CBD oil offers healing and soothing effects for illness. Think for example of neurotic pains or psychological complaints such as anxiety attacks. CBD is actually an abbreviation for Cannabidiol. The latter is a scientific name for a particular substance found in the cannabis plant. In fact, Cannabidiol is one of the 104 substances found in the plant. Cannabinoids are found in the flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant.
What exactly is CBD Oil?
CBD is thus the abbreviation of cannabidiol and is an active substance in the cannabis plant. Another important substance in the cannabis plant is THC. The latter substance is the component that provides the feeling of getting high. The component CBD does not give this feeling. Because of this, you can ingest it without experiencing a high feeling. With this information in mind, you could also say that CBD is the medicinal brother of the compound THC. The component CBD can be made into an oil that can be taken by users via the tongue.
The CBD oil contains a certain percentage and in many cases has a very beneficial effect on health complaints. For example, CBD oil is widely used against chronic pains, anxiety, nausea, cancer, inflammation, tinnitus, diabetes, alcoholism, epilepsy, psychosis, neuropathy and rheumatism.
Because there is no THC in the oil, you cannot get high or suffer from other side effects. This allows you to try the oil with the motto: "If it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt" in mind. Because it has no side effects, you don't have to worry about the safety of the product.
How fast does CBD Oil work?
In general, you are going to feel the effects of CBD oil after about 15 minutes after taking it. The most commonly chosen method is to drip a drop under the tongue, then swallow it. You can choose whether to use CBD oil internally or externally. When used topically, the results can be felt in less than 15 minutes.
In general, you can continue to feel the effects of CBD Oil about 6 to 8 hours after ingestion.
Ingesting CBD Oil
CBD Oil is generally taken orally only. You can also smear the oil on your skin, but usually little effect is felt with this. This is because the oil must pass through your skin, which of course is a lot more difficult than through an oral intake.
CBD oil is almost always supplied in a special pipette bottle. The pipette bottle allows you to easily drip the oil under your tongue. When you choose to take it under the tongue, your body allows for rapid absorption of the active substances. This is absorbed through the mucous membranes under the tongue. CBD naturally has a bitter taste that not everyone likes. You can also choose to dilute the oil with, for example, some water or a fruit juice. You can also choose to drip the oil over food. The latter method is mainly used with children and pets.
Is cannabis oil the same as CBD Oil?
We are often asked whether cannabis oil is the same as CBD oil. These two types of oil are definitely not the same. Weed oil and CBD oil are regularly confused by users in its name. Both oils have completely different properties, making quite a difference. In fact, cannabis oil is made from cannabis plants that possess very high levels of THC. In addition, cannabis oil is mainly made from the tops of the plants. Because marijuana plants are mainly known to have high concentrations of THC, you do get effects such as a high feeling when using cannabis oil. Because of this, cannabis oil is mainly formulated for recreational purposes and not for medicinal purposes.
So what about CBD Oil? The latter is an oil made not from the marijuana plant, but from the hemp plant. The hemp plant contains only a few traces of THC. Therefore, as previously mentioned, you will not have effects such as a high feeling. The hemp plant does contain other cannabinoids and substances such as CBD. Because of this, CBD is not psychoactive and is very suitable for medicinal intake.
Because CBD was not considered an important cannabinoid in the past, there is much more demand for psychoactive cannabis today. As a result, growers have focused primarily on producing and growing marijuana with the highest possible THC content. One disadvantage of this is that over the years there has been less and less CBD in the marijuana plants and more and more THC. This, of course, is not at all attractive to the medicinal user. This is why cannabis oil is made from hemp plants. The latter plants in fact have very high levels of CBD and very little THC.
Another important advantage of the Hemp plant, is that it can be grown legally. This makes it completely legal to have CBD oil in your home and use it. Of course, recreational marijuana is also legal, but you are not allowed to grow it yourself. CBD oil from the hemp plant is used by both young and old, and nowadays we are also seeing more and more animals being administered the oil. Although the hemp plant may be grown legally, there are rules for selling CBD oil. Namely, the oil may not have a higher THC content of 0.2%.
The different concentrations of CBD oil
When you are looking for CBD oil, you will soon see that there are different concentrations available. Which concentration is most suitable for you is difficult to say in advance. The percentage indicated with the CBD oil indicates the percentage of cannabidiol. So if you buy a 10 milliliter bottle with a percentage of 2.5%, this means that the oil consists of at least 250 mg CBD.
If you want to use CBD oil for small children or for pets under 15 kg, we recommend a CBD oil of 2.5%. Do not just give your child CBD oil, but always consult with your doctor before doing so. CBD oil of 5% consists of an average percentage. You can even buy this one at the drugstore. Still, the CBD oil from the drugstore is a lot less quality than the CBD oil through our website. This is because the CBD oil from the drugstore is made with the cheapest and least quality plants, so the quality is also very degraded.
Have you tried 5% and are you still in pain, for example? Then you can choose a higher concentration. The most commonly ordered oil is 10% CBD oil. There is also a 20% CBD oil available, but it is not recommended during initial use. For example, if you choose an oil with 10% and you feel nothing after half an hour, you can always choose another drop so you still get 20%. This allows you to experiment a little and feel what percentage suits you best.
The difference between 5% and 10% and other concentrations is only due to the percentage of cannabidiol in the oil.
Does CBD oil have any disadvantages?
The use of CBD has many advantages. Namely, when you suffer from your health, CBD oil can have a very positive effect. Unfortunately, CBD oil also has disadvantages. Fortunately, these disadvantages certainly do not outweigh the benefits. However, we would also like to share the disadvantages with you. CBD oil can cause side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, diarrhea, inhibition of medication, fatigue and low blood pressure. It is therefore important to discuss with your doctor beforehand whether CBD oil is safe to use with your medication. We would like to go into a little more detail about the side effects we have just named:
- Dry mouth
Using CBD oil can cause dry mouth. This is caused by the interaction of CBD with the CB receptors (submandibular glands) in the mouth. This interaction causes saliva production to be reduced. Drinking water before and after ingestion can prevent this side effect. - Low blood pressure
With a high dose of CBD, blood pressure may be affected. In most cases, you don't notice it when you have low blood pressure. You may notice it by a giddy feeling during, for example, standing up quickly. - Sleepiness
We get asked fairly often, "Can you use CBD oil to sleep?". We can immediately answer a good yes to this. In fact, CDB can affect your sleep cycle in a positive way. In fact, most users experience better concentration and sleep. So sleepiness can be a very good side effect, but on a very busy day it can also sometimes be an annoying side effect. - Diarrhea
One of the most common side effects when using CBD oil is the side effect diarrhea. The diarrhea is actually not caused by the CBD, but by the oil processed in the product. - Inhibiting medication
A very important side effect you can get from CBD oil is inhibiting medication. CBD can also inhibit liver metabolism, which is responsible for breaking down most pharmaceutical drugs. So this means that CBD temporarily neutralizes the enzyme cytochrome P-450. If you are taking medication, it is important to ask your doctor for advice beforehand. Because more and more people are using CBD on a medicinal basis, the doctor will not be at all surprised by your question. - Fatigue
We actually just mentioned it, CBD can make you sleepy and tired. The higher the dose of CBD is, the faster you get tired after using it. Because of this, driving after taking CBD oil is also not recommended.
The best supplier
If you are looking for a good CBD oil, then you have come to the right place on our website. This is because we only sell CBD oil from the best suppliers. This allows us to offer our customers a quality and safe oil. Nowadays you can also easily buy CBD oils at the drugstore. As mentioned before, this is of lower quality than the oil through our website. You can compare this to meat through the butcher or through the supermarket. The same applies to CBD oil.
Ordering the products is very easy and fast. Within a few days you have your order in house and you can get started with your cultivation! Do you have any questions about the seeds or your order? Then you can contact us here.